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Interview : Publisher / CEO of OhBoy! Mr.Kim

2017/09/23〜09/24の2日間でPOP UP STOREを開催頂いた " OhBoy! " の

出版者兼オーナーのKim氏(下記 Mr.Kim)にインタビューしました!

WE had an interview with publisher of OhBoy! Mr.Kim.

LINE-UP「Could you introduce about you first ?」


Mr.Kim 「I'm a fashion photographer work in Seoul. I started my carrier in my university since 1997. After 10 years, my dog died because of ill. My mom and I had more than 20 dogs. My mom used to pick stray dogs from on the street so I grew up with my dogs and love them so much. But my heart was totally broken after my dog died my special one. After he died I wanted to start something for animals so I started to make magazines. First, I started to take pictures on the street of animals but I couldn't watch them on focus with my mental suffering because of his death. Then I decided to make magazine about animals and environmental. That's why I published my own magazines. However at the time, I didn't have any plan of my magazine. But I was lucky that I had a lot of friends who cheered me up so much. I'm still appreciated them. My magazine OhBoy!'s outlook is like a fashion magazine but inside is about animal rights and environment issue. Sometimes, I write about fashion or cultures any other stuff but the main topic is about ANIMALS. Everyone think when they see OhBoy! magazine first time, it's supposed to be "fashion magazine" but It's not. There are massages about animal rights in OhBoy! magazine. There is a gap between outlook and inside that's why I decided like this way. 」



LINE-UP「Thank you very much Mr.Kim. Why did you decided the name "OhBoy!" as your magazine name ?」


Mr.Kim「It's simple. I wanted to chose name which is short and easy to remember !」

シンプルに、"短く" て "覚えやすい"名前にしたかったからです!

LINE-UP 「Why did you open your pop up store in OSAKA?」

大阪でPOP UP STOREを開催しようと決めたのは何故ですか?

Mr.Kim「Fist, I like Japanese culture so much. I had a opportunity to open my pop up store in TOKYO last year in 2016. It was very very successful so I was already ready to open my pop up store next place in JAPAN. At same time, you sent me a e-mail about OSAKA POP UP STORE so I grab it ! and finally we could meet in OSAKA! But to tell the truth, this is my first visiting in OSAKA in my life !」

まず、僕は日本の文化がすごく大好きです。そして去年2016年に東京でPOP UP STOREを開催する機会があり、そのPOP UP STOREは大反響の結果となりました。 その瞬間から別の日本の場所でもPOP UP STOREを開催したいと思っていました。そう思っていた時に、あなたからPOP UP STOREの連絡が来たのでこれはいいタイミングだと思い、大阪でのPOP UP STORE開催を決めました!しかし実は、僕は大阪に来るのは人生で初めてなのです。笑



Mr.Kim 「Yes. I had been to TOKYO more than 30times but this is my first time in OSAKA so I'm so happy to be here.」


LINE-UP「That's really surprised !! LOL But why you like Japan so much ?」

それはすごく驚きです!笑 ですが、キムさんは何故そんなに日本が好きなのですか?

Mr.Kim「When I was young ,I watches Japanese animation and read comics and novels. There are totally different culture with Korea. I like Korea culture of course but I was so interested in Japanese culture ! I'm always thinking that if I have any opportunities to do something in Japan through OhBoy! , I definitely will say " I WILL DO IT. " that's why I'm here because you sent me a e-mail.」

幼い頃から日本のアニメやマンガ、ノーベルを読んでいました。日本の文化は韓国の文化とは全く違うもので、ものすごく興味が湧きました! それからもしも日本で何かできる機会があれば、何でもしたい!と思うう様になりました。なので今回もあなたから連絡が来て、大阪へやって来ました!

LINE-UP「Cool! I love it! Thank you for coming to OSAKA, Mr.Kim !!! How do you like our space ?」

カッコいいですね!大阪へ来てくださってありがとうございます! ここのスペースを選んで頂いた理由は何ですか?

Mr.Kim 「I checked your place through your website after you contacted us. It was so COOL ! and your company looks well-organized and I thought I want to do something with them them I decided to come to OSAKA.」

あなたから連絡が来てから、オンラインでLINE-UPについて調べていて、すごく良い会社だし外観もすごく良いと思いあなた達と何か出来れば良いと思い、LINE-UPでPOP UP STOREを開催しようと決めました!

LINE-UP 「Thank you for your kind words. It's my pleasure to meet you here in OSAKA as well !! What is your happiest thing thorough this OSAKA POP UP STORE?」

嬉しいお言葉をありがとうございます! 私たちもこうして、大阪でキムさんやスタッフ皆さまにお逢い出来て心から嬉しく思います。 今回の大阪POP UP STOREで一番嬉しかった事は何ですか?

Mr.Kim「MANY PEOPLE. I was kind of surprised that so many people came to my POP UP STORE even I didn't PR so big for this time. I just used our Instagram. The POP UP STORE in TOKYO was introduced on big online media but not for this time.」

予想以上のたくさんのお客様に来ていただいた事です。 今回はそんなに時間がなかったという事もあり、インスタグラムでしかPRをしていなかったにも関わらず、こんなにもたくさんのお客様がOhBoy!のPOP UP STOREに訪れてくれた事です。

LINE-UP「Actually OhBoy! POP UP STORE brought the most number of customers ever we had before!! Would you like to come back to OSAKA again?」

実は、今回のOhBoy!さんのPOP UP STOREは過去で一番お客様が多かったPOP UP STOREになったので私たちも驚きました!!また、大阪へ戻って来てくれますか?

Mr.Kim「Definitely!For next time, I will be more ready then this time for OSAKA POP UP STORE !」

もちろんです。次のPOP UP STOREに向けて準備しておきます!

LINE-UP「I'm looking forward to meet you in OSAKA again! Thank you very much, Kim-san. 감사합니다.」


Mr.Kim「Thank you very much, ありがとう!」



오보이매거진 환경과 동물복지를 생각하는 패션,문화잡지

A magazine for you and the planet. Culture & Mother Nature.

Animal Rights, Wise Consumption,


大阪市西区南堀江1-5-10 セイワ南堀江 リバーレジデンスEAST1F



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